Incentives For Getting Your Child To Listen And Cooperate
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Unfortunately, at times children can be stubborn and quite simply refuse to cooperate with you. And of course, their reasons for this are varied, even something as simple as ego could be the reason, I can remember at the age of 3, not wanting to do something just because of an ego. So the task is getting to the bottom of their mind, so to speak, and understanding why they do or don’t want to do something.
Now to turn around your child’s thinking, offering an incentive, or a reason to do so is an effective way of doing this. But please note, avoiding the reward / punishment system is always a good way to start, as it doesn’t necessarily teach the child the reasons why you want them to behave in a certain way. Even if it does work, chances are they are doing so for the wrong reasons, which will most likely be short lived.
So first thing to try, before an argument or confrontation erupts, try talking to your child in a calm and loving way, explaining to them that by obeying your commands, even when they don’t want to, makes you pleased and happy with them, and explain in as much detail as you can the reasons why obeying is for their own good. Do this regularly, and above all, do your utmost to do so in a kind and calm manner, and always commend them for the good things they already do, while keeping things they need to work on to an absolute minimum.
Of course, even if this doesn’t work, at least at first, rewarding your child with a treat, as soon as possible for when they do obey is still a good method, but never ever resort to giving them money or similar benefits.
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